Pleasanton Offers Commendable Commutes

The City of Pleasanton's Commendable Commutes program offers a variety of benefits for individual commuters and Hacienda employers desiring to enhance their transportation programs, all at no cost.

Planning Services

Commendable Commutes offers free assistance to employers interested in creating and marketing a commuting program for their employees. In return, participating companies simply agree to conduct a transportation survey to determine how their employees get to work. Surveys are performed every two years as part of a city-wide effort to characterize commute behavior and traffic flow.

Information from the survey is then used by the City to design custom transportation programs for each business. Recommendations are made on how to best market commute alternatives to the employee population, custom tailored to the commute patterns at that business.

Information Clearinghouse

Commendable Commutes program coordinator Diana Bonanno also notifies participants about new transit incentives that are offered in the area.

"There are more incentives being offered now than ever," says Bonanno. "We're always looking for new incentives that we can pass on."

Additional Information

To sit down with a Commendable Commutes representative to begin the process of designing a customized commute alternative program, contact Bonanno at (925) 484-8289.

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