We wanted to take a minute to thank those we work with for their participation in our Hacienda Helping Hands community giving initiative. Perhaps you have been a part of one of our events, given of your time or talent to support a locally based non-profit organization through one of our programs, or donated money that has, in turn, helped dozens of local community groups through a Hacienda Helping Hands grant to do the work they do to enrich Tri-Valley life.

Hacienda in the Community

Annually, Hacienda receives many requests for community support so Hacienda Helping Hands was created as a means of helping the Tri-Valley's deserving organizations. This comes about in a number of ways. Hacienda Helping Hands fundraising and granting have provided direct financial contributions to these groups. Participation in the Pillars of the Tri-Valley has established a means to help strengthen ties between businesses and community organizations. Hacienda Helping Hands networking functions allow participants to collaborate directly with local elected officials and civic leaders to further community goals.

Looking Ahead

As we look forward to 2013 and another year of our campaign, we hope that you will continue to support this special effort. Over the years, we have found that the alliance formed between Hacienda's investors, businesses and affiliates has been a powerful way of making a real difference. That difference directly translates into the vibrant quality of life that makes the Tri-Valley so attractive as a place to live and work. Look for announcements soon about our upcoming events and activities.

Additional Information

Additional details are available on the Hacienda Helping Hands charitable giving campaign. Please refer to the contact information below.

Contact Information

Hacienda Owners Association
4473 Willow Road, Suite 105, Pleasanton, California  94588-8570
(925) 734-6500 phone     (925) 734-6501 fax e-mail WWW

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