PSEE Seeks to Aid Art Education in Local Schools

In conjunction with Make a Difference Day, a new foundation is launching a campaign to raise $15 million for a perpetual endowment to increase educational opportunities in the arts and sciences for local K-12 students.

"Research shows that students who have opportunities in fine arts tend to improve in their academic performances overall," explains Denise Watkins, PSEE president. "We see this as an investment in the future of Pleasanton's children that will have many dividends."

The Pleasanton Schools Education Enrichment (PSEE) Foundation is seeking contributions from local businesses, families, and individuals in hopes of raising the first $5 million between Make a Difference Day, October 23, and Thanksgiving.

"This endowment fund will be built dollar by dollar," says Watkins. "No gift is too small except the gift not given at all."

Possible uses of the endowment include: a string instrument program beginning in elementary school; orchestra in middle and high schools;art specialists in elementary schools;digital video and movie making; fully equipped science labs; science specialists in elementary schools; and expanded opportunities to connect students with real-world scientific activities.

For further information, contact Watkins at (925) 485-1964 or via e-mail.

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