Pleasanton Garbage Service in cooperation with Hacienda would like to make sure you are aware of new laws that may apply to your Hacienda site and special programs that are available to help you comply. Alameda County Waste Management Authority's (ACWMA) Mandatory Recycling Ordinance requires businesses and institutions with four or more cubic yards of weekly garbage service to keep recyclable materials out of the landfill. In fact, projects found out of compliance can be fined. Effective January 1, 2017, the Ordinance requirements will expand to all businesses, not just those with four or more cubic yards of weekly garbage service, and will require businesses that generate significant quantities of organics (food scraps and compostable paper) to provide adequate on-site collection service for these materials. Fortunately, there are several programs available to help properties meet Ordinance requirements.

Mixed Recycling

PGS will provide one 96 gallon mixed recycling cart to each eligible PGS account at no charge. Additional carts or larger front-end load containers are also available for an additional fee. Materials that must be recycled include newspaper, white paper, mixed recyclable paper, cardboard, recyclable glass food and beverage containers, metal (aluminum and steel), food and beverage containers, PET #1 and HDPE #2 plastic bottles.

Food Waste/Organic Recycling

PGS also offers a Commercial Organics Program for businesses that generate food scraps, food soiled paper (such as paper towels, paper plates, and waxed cardboard) and plant debris. Organics collection service is provided by 96 gallon carts or front-end load containers. A fee is charged for these containers based on the size and frequency of collection service provided. To make separating food scraps, food soiled paper, and plant debris easier, the Alameda County Waste Management Authority is offering free indoor green containers and lids, up to $500 per approved business. To apply, visit

Special Services

Property managers interested in expanding or enhancing their program will find support through Pleasanton Garbage Service. Pleasanton Garbage Service offers a free waste assessment to help you determine your organization's garbage and recycling service needs, and free set-up and on-going support to help keep your program running smoothly. Additional details are available on the Pleasanton Garbage web site:

Additional Information

Additional information on this program and upcoming rate adjustments is available. Please refer to the Pleasanton Garbage Service contact below for details. For more information about Pleasanton's Recycling Rules, visit

Contact Information

Debbie Jeffery
Pleasanton Garbage Service
3110 Busch Road, Pleasanton, California  94566
(925) 846-2042 phone     (925) 846-9323 fax e-mail WWW

Hacienda Owners Association
4305 Hacienda Drive, Suite 330, Pleasanton, California  94588-2738
(925) 734-6500 phone     (925) 734-6501 fax e-mail WWW

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