Livermore Valley Arts is extending a special opportunity to Hacienda affiliates. The Bankhead is thrilled to welcome T. S. Monk, son of the great Thelonious Monk, to the stage along with a special offer. Livermore Valley Arts is an independent, 501(c)3, non-profit organization that operates three spaces: the Bankhead Theater, the Bothwell Arts Center and Downtown Art Studios. The mission of Livermore Valley Arts is to offer a broad range of arts to the community.

T.S Monk at the Bankhead Theater

T.S Monk brings his “funky jazz” rooted in the legacy of his father to the stage on November 10th at 7:30 pm at the Bankhead Theater, 2400 First Street, Livermore. To honor his father's legacy and support the efforts of education, T. S. Monk founded the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz in 1989. As Founder, T. S. has dedicated himself to honoring the musical legacy of his legendary father, Thelonious Sphere Monk, and building the pre-eminent jazz musical educational institution in the world. In his live shows, T.S. celebrates his father’s legacy with all the energy and creativeness he shares with Thelonious. 

Tickets and Sponsorship Opportunities

Hacienda tenants and residents can receive a special discount on tickets to this amazing evening by entering the promotional code "FUNKYJAZZ20" when registering. This discount enables Hacienda tenants and residents to receive individual tickets for $20. Event details and registration can be found by visiting: www.livermoreperformingarts.secure.force.com/ticket/#/instances/a0F1Q00000nlL2WUAU/sections/a0K1Q00000cTRWpUAO.

Additional Information

Additional information relating to the event, sponsorship opportunities and event participation is available. For details, please refer to the Livermore Valley Arts representative below.

Contact Information

Ruth Egherman
Livermore Valley Arts
2400 First Street, Livermore, California  94550
(925) 583-2304 phone     (925) 373-6097 fax
regherman@lvpac.org e-mail     www.lvpac.org WWW

Hacienda Owners Association
4305 Hacienda Drive, Suite 330, Pleasanton, California  94588-2738
(925) 734-6500 phone     (925) 734-6501 fax
info@hacienda.org e-mail     www.hacienda.org WWW

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